Our Beginning


As an educator and product designer, I like to explore and create educational tools for my children and students. I had always believed in the importance of parental involvement. Parents as every child's first teachers, had been proven to be beneficial in their early years development in many ways.
Motivated to encourage parental involvement, it is my vision to provide parents with the right resources to empower them with joyful play experiences with their children. As a mum with limited time and resources, I hope to provide a good range of teaching aids, pockets of learning tools and educational toys to allow both Intentional and Unintentional Play.
Over the years of teaching, I find that children learn best through play. It allows children to practice skills, connect their everyday experiences and try out possibilities in a child-controlled environment. It also helps them to make sense of the world around them, expanding their understanding. I believe you would also realise that to children, play is joyful, engaging and socially interactive. 
As a product designer, I pay special attention to product quality and safety in terms of material, design and finishing. Through my assessment, I am happy to have offer you a series of educational tools that are both engaging and appropriate.


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